Natascha Linssen is attorney-at-law and founder of TREBLE. Natascha specialises in competition law, sector-specific regulation (telecom, postal services, healthcare and consumer law) and distribution, franchise and agency contracts. For more than 15 years, she has assisted companies in proceedings before and against regulators, the civil courts and the administrative courts. Natascha has previously worked for ACM (then OPTA) and mid-sized and large law firms (Bird&Bird, Van Iersel Luchtman and Dirkzwager). Spanish-speaking clients also know where to find her, as she speaks Spanish fluently.
Onze ambities zijn helder. TREBLE wil een van de beste boetiekkantoren van Nederland zijn, waar het ook fijn werken is. Een kantoor waar groeien geen must is, maar een gevolg.
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